For Vote-by-Mail, Early Voting and Election Day information, please contact your local Supervisor of Elections Office. Click here to find your Supervisor of Elections

"Supporting fair, honest and accurate elections in the state of Florida"
Florida State Association of Supervisor of Elections Seal

FSE Mission


The Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE) is a professional membership organization, consisting of Florida’s Election Supervisors, whose mission is to assist its members in conducting fair, honest and accurate elections by providing continuing education and certification programs that encourage the highest level of professionalism; to assist Florida citizens to become better informed about voting and be prepared to participate in the electoral process; and to create a forum where the Supervisors can regularly express their joint opinions on important election issues.

Core Values

  • Apply the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism, and avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
  • Seek proactively to improve the election experience in Florida.
  • Work together as a team acknowledging our diverse roles and expertise.
  • Commit ourselves to the respect and support of each other.
  • Promote open, honest communication that invites the free expression of ideas and emphasizes careful listening.

A Resolution and Statement of Ethics

We, the Supervisors of Elections, representing the sixty-seven Florida counties, do hereby adopt the following principles as our guide to inspire continued confidence and trust in our system of elections and to reaffirm our commitment to the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty and competence.

We hereby resolve and state that a member of FSE shall:

  • Put loyalty to the highest ethical principles above loyalty to persons, political officials, political parties, or governmental departments.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations and impartially apply them.
  • Use county funds and resources efficiently, including materials, equipment and time.
  • Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of official duties.
  • Strive for personal excellence and professional development by keeping up to date on state and federal laws, court opinions, Division of Elections opinions, Attorney General opinions and emerging issues facing the electoral process. 
  • Work to improve federal and state laws dealing with elections and voter registration.
  • Effectively and efficiently work with other governmental agencies, political subdivisions, and other organizations in order to serve the public good.



Florida Supervisors of Elections, Inc.

For Vote-by-Mail, Early Voting and Election Day information, please contact
your local Supervisor of Elections Office.
Click here to find your Supervisor of Elections